Industry leading on demand, cloud based activity platform that integrates offline activities with online demand.
What we help to solve
At its very core Flexi provides a searchable, bookable, online platform. Flexi allows you to search for a range of activities within your area, reserve and pay to secure your booking through a safe secure platform which is very similar to Click & Collect.
With no memberships and no restrictions, you are free to find the perfect classes for you from thousands happening every week.
The Flexi app is free to download.
The main focus of Flexi is to not only make activities more available to each individual, but to also make it more accessible to every area across the UK. Flexi is an open platform which supports every form of activity from gym classes to after school clubs and free local events.
How we solve it
Customers enjoy the best activity classes without needing a membership
With no memberships and no restrictions, customers are free to find the perfect classes for them from thousands happening every week
Our safe, secure platform takes care of all bookings and payments, ensuring we can protect important personal information.
Our team verifies every operator and organiser on Flexi, so customers can relax knowing every class is safe, and lots of fun. Our customers also rate and review each and every operator and class.
A demo of our webapp platform can be viewed at www.flexiapp.co.uk (please use London for demo search functionality) and an example of the ios app is shown below.
- Nearest Location map or postcode
- Time
- Activity Type
Results Show:
- Time
- Price
- Spaces Available
- How far away from your location
- View More info about the activity
- See the location and get directions
- View other activities at the same venue
- Share with Friends
- 1 Click Book
- Secure Payments or Free booking option
- Book multiple tickets for friends, building communities.
- Issue member passes/codes that can be used at the checkout to reduce the cost of the activity (this could be used for members who pay by alternative methods i.e Direct Debit.)
- Immediate Communication with Back Office
- Registers the booking with Provider
- Instant notification to Customer
- Booking confirmation also via email
- Invite Friends and Add to Calendar functions
What we offer
Flexi believes in the importance of advertising activities which can be a powerful tool in keeping a business healthy and successful. We advertise activities within the app which in turn can financially benefit each company listed as well as making each business more sustainable while bringing in a new and fresh client base to add to your existing one.
- Customer acquisition strategy - members, non-members, class size, fill voids, member offers?
- Google Partner - Flexi provides grant funding for online marketing to Charities up to £8,000 per month.
- Advertising budget of £6million a year for digital marketing campaigns centred around activities and providers.
Getting out and active is at the heart of Flexi and being able to give everyone that chance is what keeps us beating.
- User Interface - Web app, ios app and android app
- Multiple Provider Interface - one stop for consumers
- White Label version available for segmented client needs
- Conversation Rate Optimisation
Retention is about engaging with your existing customer base, so you should already have a wealth of analytical insights on who your customers are, how they interact with your organisation and their purchase patterns.
We help by providing
- Search Marketing Metrics
- Analytics
- Customer Persona Insight
- Activity Insights
- Wearables data integration/ aggregation
- Incentive Programmes
- Personalised Customer Journeys
What we're looking for
Put simply, we are keen to work with any organisation who has a remit to help the population become more active.
Who is this product aimed at?
The Flexi platform has been designed and tested to work with any provider who offer activities as part of their core offering in the Sport and Leisure sector.
Data we use
- 3rd party software integrations including MindBody, TeamUp, imin, Gladstone, XN Leisure and Legend making customer data management easy.
- OpenData standard data via imin and 3rd party systems.
Data we create
All data that is produced by the platform conforms with current ICO data protection standards and has also been audited to ensure compliance with the forthcoming European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation. Our platform also produces open session data which can be shared with other partners, (please note: no personal data is ever shared as part of the Open Data standard)
- Search Marketing Metrics
- Analytics
- Customer Persona Insight
- Activity Insights
- Wearables data integration/ aggregation
- Incentive Programmes
- Personalised Customer Journeys
- iframe plugin into existing websites
Who we work with
Flexi currently works with public sector bodies including County Sports Partnerships, National Governing Bodies of Sport, County Councils, Local Councils, Leisure Trusts, CVS, Charities, Schools, Youth Sports Trust, Public Health and the NHS.
Flexi also have delivery contracts in place with a number of private sector leisure operators across the UK and are looking to continue to expand their platform across the sports and leisure sector.
Adrian Leather, Chief Executive Lancashire Sport comments, “Lancashire Sport are proud to work with our Digital partner; Flexi. Improving the customer journey for our communities using the power and flexibility that digital technology and channels provide to us is one of our key sector challenges: I would encourage all partners to closely consider the Flexi offer and to utilise their experience of working in the marketplace to enable a successful transition to the future of active lives, which is digitally enabled.”
Andrew Watson, Project Manager (Workplace Challenge), County Sports Partnership Network said, “We are excited to work with Flexi Digital where we will work together to provide employers with an innovative offer utilising the digital expertise of Flexi and local support from County Sports Partnerships to tackle inactivity in the workplace. The offer will enable us to have a strong understanding of the needs of workplaces, to guide employees relationship with physical activity and strengthen the business case to make active working the norm.”
Plays well with
In the relatively new Activity Open Data space, Flexi has been operating with 3rd party integrations who operate customer management systems for over 3 years. Flexi manages data in a way that works for its customers and their systems. Our in house development team can integrate with most systems within the UK.
Why you should work with us
Flexi, as a pioneer of open data have been operating in this sector since 2013, working on some innovative projects with large public sector and private organisations including international insurance companies, we believe this helps us demonstrate our pedigree.
The SportTech space is now becoming overwhelming in terms of choice for an organisation, with some great innovative solutions designed around activity, Flexi helps navigate this marketplace to ensure that the best solution fits our customers demands and needs, whether we are required to work on a consultancy basis or are asked to provide the complete solution, we can tailor or service around your organisation's needs.